I am a dolphin

As part of my exploration of potential career paths I recently had the chance to attend an organisational constellation session of a colleague. I was super excited because I really enjoy participating in constellations. For those who are unfamiliar with the concept: It’s a systemic method used in coaching, therapy and consulting. The client brings their problem to the session, and their situation is then set up on stage, on a board or even just on the table. Depending on the specific method, people or symbols are then chosen to represent the client and the defining features of their problem.

The amazing thing with this way of working is that you create a map of your problem that is visual which changes your approach to the problem. You can then move the representatives around to play with solutions. And if you use people rather than figures, they can tell you what’s going for them.

I love being chosen as a representative, and I’ve had amazing roles over the years. In one of my first sessions I was representing the Universe, and it felt so good! Another time someone chose me to represent her power, and during the whole session I was so nervous! I felt as if a was a horse before the race and I was so pumped to run, but I wasn’t allowed. When she finally set me free, I completely ran her over, which was a great lesson for both of us. One time I was added to a scene in the middle of the session to represent the fear of the client’s five year old son, who was already on the scene. The second I entered the stage, we both started laughing and couldn’t stop. We had so much fun with the mother’s attempts to get me under control! It was heartbreaking, and I really hope the therapist brought the session to a good solution for the client.

If you have ever attended a constellation or had one done for you, you were probably just as impressed as I was the first time I experienced how complete strangers are able to interact so it helps the client to gain another perspective on their situation.

Of course one must always be aware that that’s what’s happening: You gain a new perspective, not “the solution” to your problem.

The session last week was a new twist. It took place online, and it was a “hidden” constellation. The representatives didn’t know who or what they each represented nor what the problem was. I was sceptical. How was that supposed to help the client at all?

But it worked really well. The trainer had a smart visual solution for the set, similar to working with a constellation board, only that the symbols were ascribed to people. And it was inspiring to see how just by putting them in relation to each other, they developed ideas of what was going on, what made it difficult, and how they wanted it to change. As a viewer, I knew what / who each person represented, and it was incredible how on point some of their contributions were.

Watching a colleague do her job reminded me how much fun it is to solve actual problems for clients. Being in touch with the people we serve is definitely something I miss in my current role.

My own constellation

The last constellation that was done for me is just a few weeks old, and took place on a board. When you use a board, you have no input from other people, but the figures you choose to represent you and others are telling. Plus, you have the top view, which you lack in a session with people. And that’s helpful in its own way. You know the result of said session: I quit my job. Because I’m a dolphin.

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